Compliant Archiving.

Certified, GDPR-compliant.
Proven thousands of times.

NEW: Head Unit Pro & Silent Cube DS Pro

Silent Cubes are our special storage systems for compliant archiving. For over 15 years, they have been the market leader in German hospitals and public authorities, securing all types of data that must not be lost under any circumstances.

Compliance with legal requirements and 100% protection against data loss are vital for many companies, institutions and authorities. Silent Cubes have proven themselves thousands of times for legally compliant and unchangeable archiving. Whether a few terabytes or billions of files - Silent Cubes protect your sensitive data securely and sustainably via hardware WORM. Archiving on Silent Cubes also reduces the burden on your data protection - and your IT budget.


Hardware WORM, Erasure Coding, Digital Audit, Disk Mix and Geo-Redundancy ensure maximum protection of your critical data.


Certified by KPMG for compliant and GDPR-compliant archiving (including GDPdU, GoBS, RöV in Germany, Austria, Switzerland).


Longevity, low energy consumption and CO2 neutrality are the cornerstones of sustainable data archiving.

Managed Storage.

Comprehensive FAST LTA on-site service with hardware replacement with complete data preservation - and maintenance contracts with 10 and more years duration.

Approved Solutions

Silent Cubes are cross-certified with leading archive solutions. So you can be sure that your archive environment meets all legal requirements and runs smoothly.

All Technology Partners

Uncompromised design to protect your data:

The Silent Cube DS (Pro).

The Silent Cube DS is the successor of the successful Silent Cube and offers 4 to 64 TB net capacity in a sleek rack enclosure on one height unit.

Hardware WORM: The specially developed hard disk controller can write only incrementally. Once data has been written to an area, it can no longer be overwritten. The integrated Digital Audit regularly checks all data for integrity.

Erasure Coding 12/8: We have been using Erasure Coding for 15 years. This means that up to 4 of the 12 hard disks can fail without data being lost. Unlike RAID, the rebuild takes place in the background without slowing down the system.

Redundancy: Power supplies and network connections to the Head Unit are redundant. And the entire system can - and should - be geo-redundant. The second location, optionally in the FAST LTA Data Center, protects against total failure.

Full Service: We are there for you if required. On request also 24/7/365.

Silent Cube DS (Pro)
with 12 hard disks, redundant power supplies and
fast network connection to the Head Unit.

Silent Cube DS Offen | FAST LTA

Head Unit (Pro)
for data management and caching
- also available as a variant for virtual environments.

Head Unit, Head Unit Pro, Silent Cube DS and Silent Cube DS Pro are climate-neutral: We offset the CO2 pollution caused by production, transport and recycling.

Please operate our products only with electricity from climate-neutral energy sources.

Our systems for secure archiving:

Silent Cubes & Silent Bricks.

For legally and GDPR-compliant archiving, there is no better system than Silent Cubes. Data protection and VTL archives are well served on the Silent Bricks.


Compliant WORM archiving


Erasure Coding with quadruple redundancy and sealing via hardware WORM

Triple Parity SecureNAS (ZFS) or Erasure Coding with quadruple redundancy

Storage media

Stationary Silent Cube DS (Pro), low power standby

Stationary Silent Brick Max and Air-Gap capable Silent Brick Plus & Air


Individual Silent Cubes are available in capacities from 4 to 64 TB (net). The overall system scales dynamically up to the petabyte range.

Silent Brick Max with up to 240 TB (gross), Silent Brick Plus with up to 48 TB (gross), Silent Brick Air with 12 or 24 TB (gross). Thus, up to 6 petabytes can be realized per Controller.

Geo redundancy

Silent Cubes can be easily replicated to a second location - even to the FAST LTA Data Center, if desired.

Silent Bricks can be replicated - or moved - on a media basis to one or more other locations


Hospitals, government agencies and industrial customers trust our archiving solutions.

Hospitals, government agencies and industrial customers trust our archiving solutions.
For over 12 years, customers from healthcare, government agencies and industry have relied on our storage solutions for certified and GDPR-compliant archiving. Full certification, smooth integration, highest security including hardware WORM and minimal maintenance effort convince in thousands of installations.
GNS trusts in the Silent Brick System from FAST LTA

Revision-safe documentation and archiving

GDPR-compliance and hardware WORM

Again and again we hear:
GDPR-compliance and hardware WORM - that's not possible!

That is incorrect. Our WORM systems have also been confirmed as GDPR-compliant by KPMG.

Article 17 ("right to deletion") provides for important exceptions, notably "compliance with a legal obligation" (paragraph 3b). Retention periods (legal obligation) are considered to outweigh the individual right to deletion.

Storage in our archive system explicitly respects retention periods. The possibility of making data inaccessible after the expiry of these periods (which corresponds to deletion in the IT sense) is an integral part of the certification.

Three central requirements for storage systems result from GDPR and legal requirements:

1. Data integrity

Protection against manipulation and data loss is a central component of the EU GDPR. Article 32 EU GDPR ("Security of processing") requires in number 1, paragraph b

"the ability to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of the systems and services related to the processing on a permanent basis".

2. Privacy protection

Due to the EU GDPR, the protection of privacy is taken into account more than before. Individuals have the right to obtain information about the stored data and about the storage locations. If there is a legitimate claim, the deletion of personal data can be enforced, as described in Article 17 ("Right to deletion"):

"The data subject shall have the right to obtain from the controller the immediate deletion of [...] personal data [...]."

3. Compliance with legal requirements

Article 17 EU GDPR ("right to deletion") recognizes important exceptions in paragraph 3, among others:

"[The right to deletion] does not apply if the processing is necessary: [...]
(b) for compliance with a legal obligation which requires processing [...]. […]
(e) for the assertion, exercise or defense of legal claims."